Bring it all together so your people know what’s next
Visualisations show you what you know. Einstein recommendations show you what could change and why.
With Einstein Next Best Action (NBA), Lightfold can bring all of your intelligence suite to a single orchestrated point: recommending to each user what they should do next. Einstein NBA is the capstone capability that so many of our customers are ultimately striving for – a customisable rules and AI based recommendation engine which can deliver the next clear actionable task for a sales, service or marketing agent.
Not only is this engine fast and scalable, it is also highly customisable; it can incorporate powerful AI recommendations from Einstein Discovery models and it can even query extended data assets in CRM Analytics or a connected Snowflake virtual data warehouse.
But perhaps the most powerful feature is one of the most subtle – Einstein NBA captures when each user actions the recommendation (or declines it) and what the outcome was – which provides a perfect feedback loop to train and improve machine learning model performance and review business rule flows.